Henry Ford’s invention of the assembly line resulted in cost reductions for the production of automobiles and a host of other items along with the birth of modern manufacturing. This has been a boon for the world economy.

However, the appeal of handcrafted products remains. Handcrafted items are “one of a kind,” “made for YOU,” are “personalized,” and convey a special meaning to those receiving them. 


Chatham County 4H Leatherworks Club

I’m proud to be one of the volunteer leaders for Chatham County’s 4H Leatherworks Club. Click on the Title for more information!

You’ll find most of what I have in stock listed on thee “Available Now” pages. You can see them and additional items on display at local craft shows (see below). I also do some custom work. If you have a request for a custom item, send me an email and we can discuss it. 

I now work out of my home, so if you want to come by, please contact me to set up an appointment. 

E-mail Ric

Born and raised in Oklahoma, I started doing leatherwork in the early 1980s while in Lubbock, Texas. I continued with it off and on over the years as I moved around the country and the world, but am now retired and living in North Carolina. Happily, I am now able to devote my time to crafting leather.

I’ve been fortunate to publish several articles on leather crafting:

  • The Scoop on Edgers,” Leather Crafters & Saddlers Journal, Volume 29, No. 3, May/June 2019, pp. 30.
    why it’s important to note the maker of edgers when referencing a tool number.
  • The Welted Seam,Leather Crafters & Saddlers Journal, Volume 29, No. 5, September/October 2019, pp. 70.
    another way to connect two pieces of leather together
  • How to Make a Pattern for a Cone,” Leather Crafters & Saddlers Journal, Volume 29, No. 6, November/December 2019, pp. 61.
    title says it all
  • The Story of Fred: Dressing Up Some Old Bones,” Leather Crafters & Saddlers Journal, Volume 30, No. 5, September/October 2020, pp. 70.
    how to cover a cow skull with tooled leather
  • Let’s Cover It, Part 1:  Book Covers,” Leather Crafters & Saddlers Journal, Volume 33, No. 6, November/December 2023, pp. 25.
    how to make patterns for book covers
  • Shop Tip: The 7Ps,Leather Crafters Journal, Volume 34, No. 1, January/February 2024, pp. 29. 
    importance and impact of planning your work

UpComing Events involving Ric’s Leather

Shows I’ll be attending!

Look forward to seeing you around!!

Coming Soon in 2024!

June 21, 4-7pm              Pittsboro’s Finally Friday  (I’ll be in Red Moose Brewery!)
July 4 & 6                       Festival for the Eno
July 7                               Pittsboro SummerFest
August 4, 12-4pm          Pittsboro First Sunday
August 7, 6-8pm            Mosaic Market (Pittsboro)
September 1, 12-4pm   Pittsboro First Sunday
September 4, 6-8pm    Mosaic Market (Pittsboro)
October 2, 4-6pm         Mosaic Market (Pittsboro)
October 6, 12-4pm        Pittsboro First Sunday
October 12-13                Calico Makers Market
November 3, 12-4pm    Pittsboro First Sunday
December 1, 12-4pm    Pittsboro First Sunday